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Post Verfasst am:11.08.2009 15:07 ~ Tilt-Recordings Mix Podcast 3: Try and Error - TNE Promo-Mix Antworten mit Zitat
post soldier

The third Tilt-Recordings Mix-Podcast comes from Try and Error, two promising newcomers from a small town near Frankfurt in Germany. After their debut together with Kaiza on T-Files in April 2009, three tunes following on T-FREE and two on Mind Outside, they have more forthcoming material signed on T-Files, Human Soul, Mindtech and other labels... With this balance after just half a year of presence, it is time for them to do a promotional mix and showcase their works.

Tilt-Recordings Mix Podcast feed:

Direct download (192 kbps mp3 and cover):


01... Cyclone - "Acetylene" (Kaiza RMX) [Anxiety Disorder ADRALB001]
02... Kaiza feat. Try and Error - "Safari" [Unreleased]
**.... Kaiza feat. Try and Error - "Zafary" [T-FREE060]
04... Kaiza feat. Try and Error - "Assat" VIP (Batuh) [Unreleased]
05... Kaiza feat. Try and Error - "Fluid" [T-FILE016]
**.... Kaiza feat. Try and Error - "Hybrid" [Anxiety Disorder ADRALB001]
06... Forbidden Society - "Manic Circle" / "Soul Annihilation" (Kaiza Duo RMX) [Unreleased]
07... Try and Error - "Speaker Blow" [Unreleased]
08... Kaiza feat. Try and Error - "Fuck The Speakers" [Unreleased]
09... Kaiza feat. Try and Error - "Use The Machine" VIP [Unreleased]
10... Kaiza feat. Try and Error - "Device [Unreleased]
11... Kaiza + Shots - "Purple View" [T-FILE020]

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